
Big Old Wheel

Band :
Titolo : Big Old Wheel
Release Date : 13 settembre 2014
Label : Folk And Roll
Format : CD

It represents the course of life, with its crossroads, roundabouts and dead ends. The way it turns depends on the spirit by which we make it turn.

Entirely written and composed “at home”, Big Old Wheel originated when Steve & Leda met Bruno Moggia, a worldwide famous country dance choreographer and his dancers the Western Renegades, with whom all the team created a deep bond of friendship as well as fruitful collaboration. Bruno was the inspirer of the theme of the song. This is how Lifestream arrived, which is the choreography that Bruno wrote specifically on the song. And so, choreography and music participated to the international Belt Festival 2014 competition, winning the first place! The song is accompanied by a movie production that sees both Bruno Moggia and his wife Anne Pulvermuller, dancer, choreographer and member of the Western Renegades, as main actors. It is the first time that such a thing happens and Steve & Leda are so proud and happy of this!

Complimeti ai Crazy Bulls che hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro con questo primo singolo estremamente convincente per chi ama il genere, sicuramente un bell’arrangiamento pieno di suoni caldi e di una ritmica che invita a ballare, trascinata da un violino pulito e preciso.